Part-time teaching opportunities

As part of its commitment to providing opportunities for research students to gain teaching experience during and immediately following their doctoral studies, the History of Art Department offers a number of Associate Lecturer and Teaching Assistant positions each year, in various subject areas covered by the Department at undergraduate level. These roles are designed to enable research students to contribute to teaching and marking/assessment activities within the Department, within a structure that also offers training and support. These roles are paid at Grade 6 within The Â鶹ÊÓƵ’s pay scale.

From 2022-23, The Â鶹ÊÓƵ is introducing a new, semesterised structure to its BA History of Art programme. The new structure has been phased in, starting with the 2022-23 BA1 cohort. The hours listed below reflect these changes.

Teaching Assistant Hours

Teaching Assistant for Foundations (per semester)

Core delivery:

a course taught over two semesters. TAs typically teach on the course for one semester, taking on two groups; in particular cases this may be varied, as illustrated in the pay framework. The TA is responsible for attending two 1-hour lectures per week  (delivered by a team of faculty members) and running one 1.5-hour discussion class per week for ten weeks. TAs mark students’ essays during the semester and exams in the relevant assessment period (January for Semester 1 and May/June for Semester 2).

Hourly breakdown for BA1 groups (per semester):

Activity 1 Group (BA) 2 Groups (BA) 3 Groups (BA) Details
Non-specialist teaching concession 21 21 21 7 hours preparation time per block
Lecture Attendance 20 20 20 2 x 1 hour lecture attendance for 10 weeks
Discussion Class Delivery 15 30 45 Delivering 1 x 1.5 hour discussion class per week for 10 weeks
Discussion Class Prep 30 30 30 Preparing for class based on lectures and set readings
Summative Assessment Marking 32 64 96 Marking 2 formally-assessed essays for a max of 16 students (45 mins per essay) and 1 exam for max of 16 (30 mins per exam).
Induction and other meetings 3 3 3 Pre-course and term time teaching related meetings
Total hours per semester 121 168 215
Total with additional administration allowance   133.1 184.8 236.5 1 hour per 10 hours contracted for teaching

Hourly breakdown for Graduate Diploma groups (per semester):

Activity 1 Group (Graduate Diploma) 2 Groups
(Graduate Diploma)
Non-specialist teaching concession 21 21 7 hours of preparation time by lecture block
Lecture Attendance 20 20 2 x 1 hour lecture attendance for 10 weeks
Discussion Class Delivery 15 30 Delivering 1 x 1.5 hour discussions classes for 10 weeks
Discussion Class Prep 30 30 Preparing for discussion classes based on lectures and set readings
Summative Assessment Marking 22.5 45 2 formally assessed essays per student, 45 minutes per essay
Induction and other meetings 3 3 Pre-course and term time teaching related meetings
Total per semester 111.5 149

Total with additional administration allowance


122.65 163.9 1 hour per 10 hours contracted on teaching

Hourly breakdown for Conservation group (Autumn Semester only):

Activity 1 Group (12 students) Notes
Non-specialist teaching concession 21 7 hours preparation per lecture block
Lecture Attendance 20 2 x 1 hour lecture attendance for 10 weeks
Discussion Class Delivery 6 Delivering 1 x 1.5 hour discussions sessions for 4 weeks. Adjusting to conservation topics
Discussion Class Prep 12 Preparing for class based on lectures and set readings. Adjusting to Conservation
Summative Assessment Marking 9 1 formally assessed essay per student, 45 minutes per essay
Induction and other meetings 3 Pre-course and term time teaching related meetings
Total per semester 71
With additional administration allowance 87.1 1 hour per 10 hours contracted on teaching

All first time teaching assistants will also attend a 14 hour paid teacher training session.

Teaching Assistant for BA2 Physical Histories (semester 1) and Exhibiting Art (semester 2)

Core delivery:

each course is taught over one semester. TAs attend one one-hour lectures per week (delivered by faculty) and deliver one one-hour seminar per fortnight for ten weeks of the semester.

Hourly breakdown (per semester):

Activity 1 Group 2 Groups 3 Groups Notes
Lecture Attendance 10 10 10 Attending 1 x 1 hour lecture per week for 10 weeks
Discussion Class Delivery 10 20 30 Delivering 1 x 1 hour discussion sessions for 10 weeks
Discussion Class Prep 20 20 20 Preparing for classes based on lectures and readings
Formative Assessment Marking 12 24 36 Portfolio marking – 45 minutes per student
Induction and other meetings 3 3 3 Pre-course and term time meetings relating to teaching
Total 55 77 99
Total with additional administration allowance 60.5 84.7 108.9 1 hour per 10 hours contracted for teaching

All first time teaching assistants will also attend a 14 hour paid teacher training session.

Associate Lecturer Hours

Associate Lecturer delivering a BA1 Topic course

Core delivery:

teaching an existing course for one semester, comprising one two-hour seminar per week (for nine weeks).

Hourly breakdown (for one semester):

Activity 1 group Notes
Contact Hours 18 1 x 2 hour seminar for 9 weeks
Class Prep 36 4 hours per seminar
Assessment Marking 9 Marking 1 formally assessed essay per student (45 mins per essay)
Feedback and student support 12 1 hour per student for summative essay feedback and end of module progress reports
Induction and other meetings 3 Pre-course and term time teaching related meetings.
Set up time 7 VLE and other set up
Total per semester 85
Total with additional administrative allowance 93.5 1 hour per 10 hours contracted for teaching

Those teaching at The Â鶹ÊÓƵ for the first time will also need to attend a paid 14-hour teacher training session.

Associate Lecturer delivering a BA2/BA3 Histories course

Core delivery:

ALs are responsible for attending one 1-hour lecture per week (delivered by a faculty member) and running one 1-hour seminar per week. ALs will usually deliver one of the lectures per semester.

Hourly breakdown (for one semester):

Activity 1 Group 2 Groups 4 Groups Notes
Lecture Attendance 10 10 10 Attending 1 x 1 hour lectures for 10 weeks
Lecture Delivery 7 7 7 Delivering 1 lecture per semester
Contact Hours 9 18 36 Delivering 1 x 1 hour seminars for 9 weeks
Class Preparation 18 18 18 Preparing for classes based on lectures and readings
Summative Essay Marking 11.25 22.5 45 1 formally assessed essay per student, 45 minutes per essay
Student Feedback 15 30 60 Writing end of semester reports, plus week 8 tutorials. 1 hour per student
Induction and other meetings 3 3 3 Pre-semester and term time meetings about teaching
Set up time 7 7 7 VLE preparations etc.
Total 80.25 115.5 186
Total with additional administration allowance 88.3 127.1 204.6 1 hour per 10 hours contracted for teaching

Those teaching at The Â鶹ÊÓƵ for the first time will also need to attend a paid 14-hour teacher training session.

Associate Lecturer delivering a BA2/BA3 Approaches course

Core delivery:

a semester-long course comprising one two-hour seminar per week (for nine weeks).

Hourly breakdown (for one semester):

Activity 1 Group 2 Groups Notes
Contact Hours 18 36 Delivering 1 x 2 hour seminar for 9 weeks
Discussion Class Preparation 36 72 4 hours prep per seminar
Exam Marking 11.25 22.5 1 formally assessed exam paper per student. 45 minutes per paper
Feedback and student support 15 30 End of module progress reports and formative essay feedback. 1 hour per student
Induction and other meetings 3 3 Pre-semester and term time meetings about teaching
Set up time 7 7 Setting up VLE, etc.
Total 90.25 170.5
Total with additional administration allowance 99.3 187.6 1 hour per 10 hours contracted for teaching

Those teaching at The Â鶹ÊÓƵ for the first time will also need to attend a paid 14-hour teacher training session.

Associate Lecturer delivering a BA3 Special Option course

Core delivery:

teaching an existing course for one semester, comprising two two-hour seminars per week (for ten weeks).

Hourly breakdown (for one semester):


Activity 1 Group Notes
Contact Hours 42 2 x 2 hour seminars per week for 10 weeks, plus 2 hour revision class
Class Preparation 84 Preparing readings, powerpoints, etc.
Â鶹ÊÓƵ Trip 15 Replaces 2 seminars, additional time allocated  for admin and bookings
Exam Preparation 10 Attending exam boards, setting exam questions
Essay Marking (formative) 12 2 essays per student, 30 minutes per essay.
Exam Marking (Summative) 18 2 scripts per student, 45 minutes per script
Feedback to students 12 End of module reports, email/in person updates. 1 hour per student
Inductions and other meetings 3 Pre-semester and term time meetings about teaching
Set up time 7 VLE set up
Total 203
Total with additional administration allowance 223.3 1 hour per 10 hours contracted for teaching

Those teaching at The Â鶹ÊÓƵ for the first time will also need to attend a paid 14-hour teacher training session.
